Monday, October 18, 2010

The weak anti-pot argument of Barry Young

Barry Young, self-proclaimed "conservatarian" made an argument against marijuana this morning. The crux of his argument was that since there is no way to "control" marijuana (in the manner that pharmaceuticals are controlled), it cannot be considered "medicine". There is some truth to that-marijuana cannot be called a medicine by his definition. However, it is well understood that the broad definition of a "drug" is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function.

The latter definition is far more accurate. Even food can be considered a drug (and rightly so) because when absorbed, it alters the body's chemistry.

To be fair, later in the monologue, Young said that it should be either legalized or not. This is a reasonable stance. At this point, the evidence, as well as ethical, economic, and moral concerns, seem to show that the "war on drugs" should be ended.

1 comment:

  1. We better watch out definitions like that could make us have to see a doctor to be allow to buy a potato. But I am all for ending the war on drugs and vegetation in general..
